Who We Are
At Calvary Baptist Church, we have great desire: to see people come to know Jesus Christ as they’re Savior & to grow in their Christian faith. For over 100 years, we’ve been helping spread God’s good news here in our hometown and throughout the world, and we pray that God will continue to use our congregation. Whether you’ve been attending church for years or haven’t stepped into a church in decades, we hope you’ll come and join us Sunday, if you’re looking for a church in our hometown.
Calvary Baptist Church is about building great families and great futures with you. Our church is one with a heart for people, not only in our area, but around the world. We believe that there is a God in Heaven Who loves and cares for each individual. It is our heart-felt prayer that you will find a church home that cares for you. Come study God’s Word with us and build your life on a solid foundation.
We are a traditional, independent, fundamental Baptist Church. We use the King James Bible in all our services. Our music is traditional.
Calvary Baptist Church of Mannington is a place where we are still having church!
Reaching Others
So many people in our community and the world don't know our Savior, and have a need to know Him. At Cavalry Baptist Church we offer many opportunities to reach those in our community with the gospel.
Help Others
Our Mission
Our mission is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We support missionaries world wide, through grace giving. We assist in every way we can in church planting. Our local outreach ranges from reaching elderly with the nursing home ministry, Bible assembly week, personal soul winning, mission trips, and missions giving.
Bible Assembly Week
Our goal is to reach the whole world with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Most exciting time of the year is the week of Bible Assembly. God has allowed us to produce over 1.5 million books of John & Romans. These books are distributed wold wide in support of Missionaries. We want to encourage you to Join us every Bible Assemble. We work from 4PM to 8PM. Please contact us to see how you can assist in this wonderful opportunity.
Bible Study
Verse for the Week:
"For it is God which worketh in you both to will and do of his good pleasure."
- Philippians 2:13
Join us Wednesday night, 7:00PM as we listen to the series -"Jude"